Name: Juan Luis García Guirao
E-mail: juan.garcia@upct.es
Phone: (+34) 968 338913
Adress: Technical University of Cartagena
Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistic
Hospital de Marina
30203-Cartagena, SPAIN
Juan Luis García Guirao and Jaume Llibre JDEA 2017 Best paper award.
May, 2018
Juan Luis García Guirao NSP 2017 prize.
November, 2017.
Youngest Mathematics Full Professor in Spain with 33 years old.
October, 2011.
Juan Luis García Guirao is Full Professor of Applied Mathematics at Technical University of Cartagena in Spain. He obtained his Degree in Mathematics at Universidad de Murcia (Spain) in 2001. Covering all the subjects of the Degree in four year, he used the last one for working on his Master Thesis. Under the supervision of Professor Francisco Balibrea, Full Professor of Mathematical Analysis and founder the Dynamical Systems Group of the Region of Murcia (http://www.um.es/sistdinamicos) he defended his Master Thesis in 2001 and PhD Thesis in 2004. The PhD had European Mention and the predoctoral research stay was done at Instituto Superior Tecnico in Lisbon under the supervision of Professor José Sousa-Ramos, one of the main researchers in Dynamical Systems in Portugal, who passed away in 2007.
He has had several positions in different universities: Universidad de Alicante, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (now).
In 2011, he became in the youngest Mathematics Full Professor in Spain with 33 years old. Author of more than 250 research papers published in the best journals he has supervised 5 PhD Thesis and more than 11 Master Thesis/Final Degree Jobs. He belongs to the Editorial Board of several journals, between them MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. ranked in first position of the JCR 2010 list (Interdisciplinary Mathematics). Founder and Editor in Chief of Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences (Sciendo) he has been awarded with several international prizes as NSP 2017 prize and 2018 Best paper Award from Differences Equations Society joint with Jaume Llibre. Now, he is Head of Dynamical Systems Group of Region of Murcia.
There are three research lines opened: discrete dynamical systems defined in low dimensional spaces, study of the periodic structure of smooth systems using the homological Lefschetz theory and analysis of Hamiltonian systems. Applications of the previous lines to problems coming from the fields of economy, chemistry and engineering are considered.
In July 2021 has been selected as Director of the Chair Primafrio 4.0 at Technical University of Cartagena where he is coordinating the research activities of this logistic group, the biggest one in Europe in the transportation of refrigerated goods by road in trucks. In 2022 was elected by Stanford as Highly Cited Researcher Top 2%.
Researcher ID: C-5189-2014, Orcid Code: 0000-0003-2788-809X.


Name: Juan Luis García Guirao
E-mail: juan.garcia@upct.es
Phone: (+34) 968 338913
Adress: Technical University of Cartagena
Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistic
Hospital de Marina
30203-Cartagena, SPAIN
Juan Luis García Guirao is Full Professor of Applied Mathematics at Technical University of Cartagena in Spain. He obtained his Degree in Mathematics at Universidad de Murcia (Spain) in 2001. Covering all the subjects of the Degree in four year, he used the last one for working on his Master Thesis. Under the supervision of Professor Francisco Balibrea, Full Professor of Mathematical Analysis and founder the Dynamical Systems Group of the Region of Murcia (http://www.um.es/sistdinamicos) he defended his Master Thesis in 2001 and PhD Thesis in 2004. The PhD had European Mention and the predoctoral research stay was done at Instituto Superior Tecnico in Lisbon under the supervision of Professor José Sousa-Ramos, one of the main researchers in Dynamical Systems in Portugal, who passed away in 2007.
He has had several positions in different universities: Universidad de Alicante, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (now).
In 2011, he became in the youngest Mathematics Full Professor in Spain with 33 years old. Author of more than 250 research papers published in the best journals he has supervised 5 PhD Thesis and more than 11 Master Thesis/Final Degree Jobs. He belongs to the Editorial Board of several journals, between them MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. ranked in first position of the JCR 2010 list (Interdisciplinary Mathematics). Founder and Editor in Chief of Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences (Sciendo) he has been awarded with several international prizes as NSP 2017 prize and 2018 Best paper Award from Differences Equations Society joint with Jaume Llibre. Now, he is Head of Dynamical Systems Group of Region of Murcia.
There are three research lines opened: discrete dynamical systems defined in low dimensional spaces, study of the periodic structure of smooth systems using the homological Lefschetz theory and analysis of Hamiltonian systems. Applications of the previous lines to problems coming from the fields of economy, chemistry and engineering are considered.
In July 2021 has been selected as Director of the Chair Primafrio 4.0 at Technical University of Cartagena where he is coordinating the research activities of this logistic group, the biggest one in Europe in the transportation of refrigerated goods by road in trucks. In 2022 was elected by Stanford as Highly Cited Researcher Top 2%.
Researcher ID: C-5189-2014, Orcid Code: 0000-0003-2788-809X.

Juan Luis Garca Guirao and Jaume Llibre JDEA 2017 Best paper award.
May, 2018
Juan Luis Garca Guirao NSP 2017 prize.
November, 2017.
Youngest Mathematics Full Professor in Spain with 33 years old.
October, 2011.